I can’t make you love me
And more importantly, I won’t.
I will love you with all of my being, but I will not pursue you.
I will only accept what you freely give, with no prompting, no begging, no guilting and no convincing.
I will not teach you to love me. I will be patient with you while you strive to love my complicated nature, but I will not make you strive or ask you to.
I will not withhold my love for you, but I will give it freely to the extent that you give yours to me.
I will not demand to be priority in your life. I will not ask you to move things aside for me or make time or space for me. I will not ask you to give or do anything that you do not desire to.
I will ask none of these things of you.
I will love you and I will match your energy.
If you fade, I will let you.
And if you don’t, then I will know your love is true.
For love is a choice.